Energy Opportunities Report

Omni Park Shopping Centre

  • Client McKeon and Kennedy
  • M&E SystemCore
  • Sustainability SystemCore


Omni Park owners wanted to better understand their energy situation across their retail park​. They wanted an independent viewpoint as they were unclear as to what energy solutions were worth investing in and what equipment needed to be upgraded or replaced​.

Project description

SystemCore completed a energy opportunities report included a high level design, highlighting key opportunities with a 4-year payback, annual savings of €321,000, 800,000kWh & 366 Tonnes CO2. Options included a capital-intensive replacement strategy for AHUs to reduce fossil fuel reliance and a second low cap-ex solution to retrofit dynamic controls to modulate the existing AHUs​. Designed a new lighting system for mall area, utilizing daylight from mall glazing​. New BMS, Energy monitoring, building analytics, install of PV panels​.


A prioritised plan as to how best address the energy opportunities with respect to energy reduction and production for the retail park​. Developed a phased implementation plan. Clarity around available grants, energy credits, and tax incentives​. Information required to support long term investment decisions​. Remedial energy improvements including modification to existing BMS system to better utilise existing plant.

Get in touch

If you’re interested in speaking to us about a potential project, call us on +353 (0)1 541 3004 or fill in your details and we will put you in touch with the right person.